Tuesday, 15 January 2013

All the fruit trees and soft fruit bushes are now ordered and will be delivered when the snow finally melts.

Each school is getting:
  • 2 eating apple trees (Cox's Orange Pippin and Worcester Pearmain)
  • 2 cooking apple trees  (Bramley's Seedling and Annie Elizabeth)
  • 2 plum trees (Victoria and Marjorie's Seedling)
  • 2 pear trees (Conference and Beurre Hardy)
  • 1 cherry tree (English Morrello)
  • 1 medlar tree (Nottingham)
They are also getting:
  • 1 yellow gooseberry bush
  • 1 red gooseberry bush
  • 1 green gooseberry bush
  • 10 raspberry canes
  • 1 loganberry plant
  • 10 strawberry plants
  • 1 blackcurrant bush
  • 1 redcurrant bush

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Blackmoors fruit handbook

a very useful handbook from the people we are buying our fruit from.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all our growers out there!!


In the next few weeks we'll be making the lists of fruit plants and trees we'll need for spring planting and getting them ordered for eventual delivery sometime in late Jan/early Feb. 

So if there is anyone who is on our lists who wants anything in particular let us know soon and we can get it ordered!

Plans are also underway for the big spring plant that is going to to start in mid February, keep an eye out for our future posts.

We hope to be back out door knocking in our existing streets (and possibly some new ones) early in the new year in the hope of signing more people up for the project.